News & Events


Keeping You Connected

At Emmaus Catholic School, we ensure our families are well-informed and connected with everything happening at school, right at their fingertips.

Classroom Communication Platforms

Our classroom teachers utilise SeeSaw, a powerful learning tool, to keep parents engaged in their child's educational journey. Parents can connect with their child's learning, and receive important notices. 

Social Media Updates

Stay updated on school events and learning adventures through our vibrant Facebook page. From showcasing school highlights to engaging with our wider community, you'll find the latest posts right here on the Emmaus Facebook page.


Our comprehensive school newsletters are distributed three times a term, providing a detailed snapshot of school activities and upcoming events. Accessible on our website, these newsletters keep you informed about all the exciting happenings at Emmaus Catholic School.

Direct Email Communication

For personalised communication, email remains a convenient and efficient way for families to connect with us. Reach out anytime with questions, concerns, or feedback, and we'll be sure to respond promptly.

Personal Meetings

We value face-to-face interactions and encourage our families to schedule meetings with our Principal or any staff member as needed. Your input and involvement are essential to our school community's success.

Contact Us

If you prefer to leave a message for us to call you back, simply visit our Contact Us page. We're here to support you and ensure your experience at Emmaus Catholic School is exceptional in every way.