Religious Education


At Emmaus we invite all of our students into a personal encounter with Jesus. Religious Education (RE) invites our students to learn about the person and message of Jesus Christ and this message of love and welcome permeates every dimension of our school. Religious Education at Emmaus complements the work of parents as the first educators of their children and recognises the primary role played by parents and parishes in the faith development process.

Religious Education at Emmaus comprises four main components:

Prayer & Liturgy 

Each day begins with prayer – an opportunity for students to pray for intentions close to their hearts.


Students are engaged in rich teaching and learning experiences during class RE lessons which are based on the Crossways Framework for RE. This document provides the foundation for all year levels. For more information about the programme, speak to our APRIM and/or access the document here.


Students learn about the sacraments during their class RE lessons. Students who wish to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion will participate in a Parish based sacramental preparation programme. More information is available from our APRIM or from the parish.


Students and families are encouraged to continue Jesus’ mission through their involvement in our various social justice/outreach activities.  Emmaus supports the work of St Vincent de Paul with their Winter and Christmas appeals, Caritas Australia, Catholic Charities as well as supporting other various organisations and individuals as the need arises.

In the words of Blessed Mary of the Cross MacKillop:

“Never see a need without doing something about it.”

Emmaus students are encouraged to take action in order to make our world a better place.