Student Wellbeing

At Emmaus, we believe that all students have the right to learn and develop socially and emotionally in a safe environment. We offer a variety of ways to ensure this happens for our students.


We are fortunate to have a chaplain working with us in the chaplaincy role. She is able to work one on one with students, small groups and families offering pastoral support.

Good Beginnings

Our Good beginnings program is an enjoyable start to the year that fosters positive relationships and provides the foundations for a successful and happy school year. Through a variety of lessons and activities students have opportunities to work not only with their classmates but also with students in their unit level, their buddy class and their house team. 

Program Achieve

Program Achieve is a social skills program that is taught across our school. The goal of Program Achieve is to provide our students with the foundations for happiness and success in their studies and in all aspects of their lives.

Program Achieve focuses on eliminating negative mindsets that are preventing students from becoming successful and helps to build positive thinking.

Teachers focus on teaching the five Keys:

  • Confidence
  • Emotional Resilience
  • Getting Along
  • Organisation
  • Persistence


Emmaus Catholic School is committed to the safety and happiness of students at our school and as such, we do not tolerate bullying.

We teach our students how to keep themselves safe and what they can do in situations if they feel threatened or see someone else feeling unsafe or upset. Students are encouraged to report any issues, which are then discussed with everyone involved and followed up promptly. Parents are informed of actions taken.

Our students also complete our ‘Say No to Bullying at Emmaus’ survey at the end of Terms 1 and 3. This gives teachers an indication of student well-being and helps identify potential hot-spots or issues. 

Seasons for Growth

A grief education programme for students developed by the Mary MacKillop Foundation which supports children who have experienced grief such as death, separation, divorce, loss of a pet, change of house or any other changes that has caused a feeling of grief or loss.  The children learn how to better cope with their grief through the sharing of stories, journal writing, artwork and discussion.  It is important to stress that Seasons for Growth is NOT counselling, rather it is based on a peer support model.